Wednesday, June 8, 2011

amore amaro

amore amaro. Amore amaro Feat.
  • Amore amaro Feat.

  • GCBy3000
    07-06 04:54 PM
    nice and humourous. Very good.

    coz we need some place to go for vacation ;)

    amore amaro. reposnason: amore amaro
  • reposnason: amore amaro

  • santb1975
    05-24 10:37 AM
    Good start for a long weekend

    Contributed $100 . Good way to long start weekend !
    Receipt ID: 2168-6313-9515-3493
    Have a nice Week End !

    - JimyTomy
    EB3 India

    amore amaro. my Beastly amore. Amari; amore amaro. Amore Vivo 5. Ai dedick piu; Amore Vivo 5. Ai dedick piu
  • my Beastly amore. Amari; amore amaro. Amore Vivo 5. Ai dedick piu; Amore Vivo 5. Ai dedick piu

  • gconmymind
    09-14 12:49 PM
    Good work guys!! Hope the rally will be a big success!!

    amore amaro. amore amaro. Ma l#39;amaro che ti lascia; Ma l#39;amaro che ti lascia
  • amore amaro. Ma l#39;amaro che ti lascia; Ma l#39;amaro che ti lascia

  • prince_waiting
    07-05 10:45 AM
    My area senator is Mr. Sessions :eek:. What do you guys think, should I email him or not? I am sure that I am not going to get a courteous reply or as a fact of matter a reply at all.


    amore amaro. Amore amaro, Amore
  • Amore amaro, Amore

  • natrajs
    10-01 05:04 PM
    Let us wait for the statement from USCIS

    amore amaro. Amore amore amore amaro amore
  • Amore amore amore amaro amore

  • vinzak
    12-10 04:09 PM
    Visa Bulletin for January 2010 (

    Should Section 202(a)(5) be applied, the rate of number use in the Employment preference category would continue to be monitored to determine whether subsequent adjustments are needed in visa availability for oversubscribed countries. This action provides the best possible assurance that all available Employment preference numbers will be used, while still ensuring that numbers remain available for applicants from all other countries that have not yet reached their per-country limit.

    Does this mean that spill over is not "quarterly" as we've been discussing, but rather at the discretion of DOS as to when they will spill over?

    While the added text as explanation in the bulletin is appreciated, it really doesn't clarify anything for me, so somebody please explain!!!


    amore amaro. debole e l#39;amore amaro.
  • debole e l#39;amore amaro.

  • gcisadawg
    02-09 12:47 AM
    Did I even say this? What are you saying? Go see a shrink :D

    Read first what I said.

    OOPS! mea culpa! It is a case of bad negation! It should have read as "How come it is not 'stupid' when a girl spends husband's money to support her parents?"

    amore amaro. l#39;amore amaro
  • l#39;amore amaro

  • satishku_2000
    07-05 05:10 PM
    CALL your state senators. State senators are interested in listening from people who reside in their respective states, Cause they technically represent them. So they want to hear what affects their constituents.
    Call your state senators first, then call your house reps, (remember logfren is a house rep) and then the others.

    I did that already ...:)


    amore amaro. Amoro Amore: Highland Park
  • Amoro Amore: Highland Park

  • vin13
    03-12 03:45 PM
    Please do not convince your friends.

    If you are yourself not contributing, how will you convince them to contribute. :D

    Great! Someone should give you an award for motivation

    For your information, i have contributed to IV monetarily. It just does not show up on the handle for some reason i do not know.

    amore amaro. amore amaro
  • amore amaro

  • kalyan
    04-12 09:10 AM
    There will be lot of LC's that will be coming up for sale or to lure employees since majority of the employees might have left Desi Consulting Cos becoz of the sheer amount of Dirt Practice, they do.

    INS at some point of time should ban LC substitution. this is another mess that is a slow poison for retrogression.


    amore amaro. Amore amaro
  • Amore amaro

  • snowshoe
    05-04 12:27 PM

    I came across this page (yet another pixel ad page) which states that it will be donating part of the proceeds to IV.

    Check it out:

    amore amaro. amore amaro
  • amore amaro

  • newbee7
    07-06 06:55 AM
    Can you please change the headling in Digg to:

    Homeland security compromised in mad rush to process Green Cards


    amore amaro. amore amaro
  • amore amaro

  • redgreen
    02-23 01:23 PM
    All the data and inside information point to EB2 and EB3 to become current some time in the future.

    amore amaro. amore amaro
  • amore amaro

  • bitu72
    03-10 01:19 PM
    as per last page of this document(bulet point 16) they deffered the decision on exempting nurses from EB quoutas.. but i think we heard them saying its approved...

    admin/guru's u r comments please..


    amore amaro. amore amaro
  • amore amaro

  • rameshk75
    01-18 11:49 PM
    Check with your employer/attorney before going to the local office. They might have received your documents by now.

    amore amaro. amore amaro
  • amore amaro

  • Leo07
    05-06 12:28 PM
    I appreciate your comments! I was contemplating what's more effective. I think I agree with you now.:)
    We have sent letters in the past only to get a standard CANNED answer. It is my opinion that the letters we send do not have any impact, cos as soon as they see "Immigration" as the subject, they (staff) sends the standard letter they have definining the position back.

    I do not mean to discourage you, but the need of the hour is to call all the senators. There are 100 of them.

    If you were going to do something in addition to the phone calls, Please set up an appointment w/the senator or staff and do a 20 minute Powerpoint presentation. That is more effective.


    amore amaro. amore amaro. We are like people with short-term leases on summer cottages; we can never seem to make
  • amore amaro. We are like people with short-term leases on summer cottages; we can never seem to make

  • Edison99
    04-30 10:04 PM
    Thanks Leo07 for the great link!
    It's good beginning though.......

    amore amaro. amore amaro
  • amore amaro

  • lp2007
    09-16 02:16 AM
    Just made a one time contribution of $100
    Order Details - Sep 15, 2007 23:30 GMT-07:00
    Google Order #412727833594707

    Unfortunately I cannot be at DC, but Thank You all for the efforts.

    amore amaro. amore amaro gigi finizio
  • amore amaro gigi finizio

  • gk_2000
    08-24 02:17 PM
    First be clear whats your point and then enlighten us how this supports it

    One of my points: "loopholes" are NOT what we are here to fight against. Now, is the rest of your reply relevant?

    And anyone who irritates you is a troll. So be it. This troll is there to prevent nonsensical ideas

    Please let me know how this so called multinational executives are getting compensated. Whats the stock/option given to these executives. The available information shows only three days of extended stay and one week of car which they need to share with other executives. Fortunately the extended stay suites come with attached rest room. Otherwise they need to share with other multinational executives. There would be long queue in front of the shared room and eventual back log...

    Yeap...we are very envious about this. Let it be. I am not going to post anything on this any more and feeding the troll.

    Yeah, I was so envious about that designation, that I have to leave it risking by giving 2 months of advance notice(policy of the company to give 2 months notice) and finding an employer who could file my H1 and suffering 1 yr of constant followups with the company to get my pay and PF and so on. And forgot to mention, that if 2 months notice is not given we are asked to sign an agreement to pay back close to 10 grand.
    Is this how a multinational executive gets treated who are fortunately qualified for the EB1 category and company projects you as most valuable employee for business development who would be sponsoring you EB1.

    All this will feed the anti's and true trolls. Why don't we focus on our objectives?

    If the company really feels the need , they may as well recruit someone locally who might be much more qualified without going through all of those hassles. All this is done as part and parcel of exploiting the system and its employees.
    Luckily we have a choice whether to stay or not and move on to a different status like H1.

    Don't we?

    09-10 09:01 PM
    Then there's no point in being a member of IV.

    When we've come together in an organized fashion, things have happened - although not as frequently and not to the exact extent that we've wanted.

    If you believe nothing will change - perhaps it's time to move on and stop logging on to IV forums and worrying yourself silly about this.

    If inaction and giving up is part of your nature, there's little help outside of therapy - no offense meant.

    If we can continue to organize and keep working towards the goals, perhaps some headway can be made. Those who spearheaded such efforts knew it wasn't a sprint to the finish.

    Question much pushing would be needed when v very well know that whatever noise v make is never to be heard ???

    06-26 02:22 PM
    not necessary ...replacements are difficult for key jobs and expertise. if the right person leaves the job ..then a small / medium (or even large ones) can go off road. more than replacement is the effort to find the right person, train him ..and for that person to go through the experience curve ..(I guess you are looking from your level ..are you in s.ware or in testing ?....if yes, you need to look at other higher levels ..ofcourse, for such people EB1 is available ..)
    but I agree does not hurt US as much since economy is so huge ..but it can definitely hurt the business firms ..this was the main reason why the law was changed (or passed) allow H-1 people to continue staying even after 6 years ..earlier they had to leave compulsorily..(I am not an expert feel free to correct).
    and this can happen either at highly skilled level in a big company to a smaller business..
    for e.g. a restaurant can go out of business if their main skilled cook is forced to leave due to immi (or something else).
    and ofcourse a v.big company may lose a skilled analyst (and similarly a scientist etc etc)

    Thats one thing. Again we are talking of replacing these key people in NUMBERS aka thousands? So what does america gain?

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